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Infidelity and Divorce

  • Infidelity
  • Divorce
  • Child Custody
  • Visitation Background Checks
  • Restraining orders
  • Parental Abduction of Child(ren)
  • Run away
  • Parental Worthiness (adoption)
  • Re-unite with birth parents / re-unite with child Abuse
  • Pre-marital pre-nuptial investigations
  • Child Support
  • Deadbeat parent locates

Sherman TX InfidelityUnsure of the loyalty of your spouse or partner? Are you going through a bitter child custody battle? Do you know the signs of infidelity? Buckshot Investigations can and will get at the truth of your situation to either confirm or deny that your partner is being unfaithful.

No one wants to imagine that the person they care about is romantically involved with someone else or that they are living a lifestyle you were not aware they were living. Deciding to have your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend investigated for infidelity is not an easy or pleasureable decision to make. The process is usually filled with a lot of anxiety and a loss of what exactly to do or how to do it. That is where a good investigations company comes in to asssist you and your attorney with the issues. If your significant other is cheating, we will provide you with detailed reports, with photographs, video, and surveillance records or any other items that you might need so that you have the information and power in hand to use for your benefit.

10 Signs Your Spouse Might Be Cheating:

  • Obsession with his/her cell phone
  • Sudden changes in clothes style or appearance
  • Working longer hours out of normal behavior
  • Secrecy with passwords and computer activities
  • Leaving the room to talk on the phone
  • Easily irritated or more prone to argue
  • Unable to provide straight answers
  • Unexplained changes in your sex life
  • Never reachable on cell phone or while at work
  • Rapidly erasing texts or email messages

Indiscretions usually encountered and documented would be things such as:

The subject and the other person being observed holding hands, kissing or showing some type of affection beyond casual friendship.

The subject and the other person being observed entering a motel, hotel, apartment, residence, even a vehicle.

The above scenarios are common in domestic and infidelity investigations. The evidence obtained is usually documented in a DVD video, pictures, and at times audio and always accompanied with detailed reports.

This is especially important in the area of child custody. Too often children become caught in the middle of this tug-of-war and at times become pawns between the two parents. Parental abduction is all too often seen as a last ditch effort to gain and keep what the one parent wants. This is where a Private Investigator who is well versed in the law can help. Our primary goal in these delicate situations is to insure the child(ren) is in a safe and nurturing home. Usually one parent exhibits these stable traits but there are times when it is possible that the Grandparents might be a more suitable choice for providing a healthy, happy, stable and safe location.

Prior To Marriage

Do you really know the person you are about to marry? One of the best ways to avoid possible issues in the future is to have your potential spouse checked prior to marriage. We do pre-marital and pre-nuptial background checks for clients. We can help insure you are marrying who you think you are and not have any surprises down the road. Also we can assist in obtaining all necessary information for a pre-nuptial agreements if the two so desire.


Spousal loyalty is an issue that, sadly, is on the mind of seemingly everyone today. Infidelity is at an all time high! The haunting question "Is my spouse being faithful to me?" persists.

Buckshot Investigations realizes that this is a very emotional and trying issue to deal with. We work hard with our client to get the best outcome for their case. Proving your case can be easier with the proof that we can provide you.

Cheaters are really good at trying to make you feeling like you are crazy or just imagining things. If you have those nagging feelings or questions deep in your heart, we understand. Buckshot Investigations will help you get the answers you need to finally "know" and be armed with evidence to use against the cheating spouse.

Pictures, video, audio, and a detailed written investigative report will help you in these endeavors. We understand what you are going through, and are committed to helping clients like you with these issues. You need to know the truth so you can move forward with your life.

Many extra-marital affairs begin at work. Often co-workers are required to travel together. The person who has cheating in mind wind up with an all expense paid trip to do whatever they want. They probably will go places, do things and experience things that their spouse would love to be the one that is traveling with them.

The "Business traveler" uses work as an excuse to get out of town. Although there very well may be a legitimate reason to leave town for a meeting or conference, the cheater will use this as an opportunity.

The "Vacation Cheater" may claim to be going out of town to visit a sick friend, old school mate, fishing trip, ball game, relative or wedding. The wedding traveler who is a cheater tends to be the one that goes to the proverbial bachelor or bachelorette party. If there is already tension and stress in the marriage, some will claim that they just need some space and get away to think for awhile. Statistics show that BOTH males and females fit into these categories.

Catching cheaters of these types can be difficult, time consuming, and costly. It is a specialized type of investigation and not all private investigaors will take on this type of case.

People who are dating also have these issues. Although not married your girlfriend/boyfriend will take advantage of the situation and engage in a one-night stand with someone while away on business.

On the reverse side of things, if you have a business trip or vacation planned and you suspect that your spouse will cheat while you are gone, then you too could benefit from our services.

If your spouse claims he/she is going away on business and you suspect things are not right, then you need to take advantage of the opportunity to learn the truth.

Cheaters become relaxed, complacent, and sometimes with total disregard when distance is between the cheater and the spouse. This is a prime time to catch them at their game. When their guard is low, they will always leave behind tell tale signs.

Planning these types of investigations takes time and a lot of detail. Buckshot Investigations will be more than happy to sit down with you and work through a plan that best suits your set of circumstances. We are here to serve you during this difficult time.

Call Now For A Free Consultation! 201-566-6696